As an office cleaner, you have to be careful about contracting diseases from your clients. While you are at work, you are in close proximity to people who may not be as clean as you and who may have been exposed to germs. This means that you may be exposed to diseases like colds, flu or even food poisoning that your clients may have. In addition to that, you may also contract diseases from cleaning other people’s homes. That’s why it’s important that you take precautions while cleaning offices. These precautions will help protect you from contracting diseases from your clients and other people you come into contact with on a daily basis while working as an office cleaner.

Wash your hands regularly

One of the most important things that you can do is to wash your hands regularly. This will help you to minimize your risk of contracting diseases from clients. You should wash your hands before you eat, after you go to the bathroom, after you have been in contact with people who may have been sick and before you start cleaning. You should also use hand sanitizer if you don’t have access to running water.Hand sanitizers are great to have in your office cleaning kit. You can also use them to clean your hands before and after you eat. It’s also a good idea to put a hand sanitizer dispenser in your car and in your home.

Use the right cleaning products

Another way to protect yourself from diseases is to use the right cleaning products. For example, you should use a bleach cleaner to clean your floors and a bleach cleaner to clean your toilets. You should also use a microfiber cloth to clean tables, chairs and other hard surfaces. These cloths can be used to clean your hands and other areas of your body. They are also great for cleaning other people’s homes.

Use the right cleaning tools

You should also use the right cleaning tools while cleaning your clients’ offices. For example, you may want to use a dust mask to protect yourself from dust and a pair of disposable gloves to protect your hands from getting dirty. You may also want to use a vacuum cleaner to clean carpets and a steam cleaner to clean your hard surfaces. These tools can help you to clean your clients’ offices more efficiently and effectively.

Keep your distance when cleaning

Another way to protect yourself from contracting diseases from your clients is to keep your distance when cleaning. For example, you should avoid leaning over your clients’ desks to clean them. You should also keep your distance while cleaning other people’s homes. If you clean other people’s homes, you should clean their bathrooms and kitchens while standing at the door. This will help you to minimize your risk of contracting diseases from your clients and other people you come into contact with on a daily basis while working as an office cleaner.


To conclude, there are many ways to protect yourself from contracting diseases from your clients. You should wash your hands regularly, use the right cleaning products, use the right cleaning tools and keep your distance when cleaning. These are some great ways to protect yourself from contracting diseases from your clients and other people you come into contact with on a daily basis while working as an office cleaner.